How Universal Wedding Registry works
How do I create an account?
To create an account simply visit our registration page and fill out the required information. After you will registered you will need to confirm your account by clicking on a link provided in a confirmation email we send you. Once your account has been confirmed you will be able to login and start working on your registry.
How do my relatives find my registry?
You can simply provide your relatives with this web address. Then they can type in either the bride or groom's name and they will be presented with a list of matching couples along with the city in which each ceremony is taking place. After they have located the correct couple they will have to enter in the date of that wedding. We do this to prevent people from maliciously claiming to have bought gifts on your registry, and we feel that using the date is better than a password since only your friends and family should know the date and it is one less additionally thing that you will need to tell them.
How do I add items to my registry?
There are two different ways to add items to your registry. First of all you can manually add items by entering information such as product name, merchant name, and description. This is the method you will need to use when adding items from offline merchants. For online merchants you can simply add our special registry link to your bookmarks or favorites and then go shopping. When you are on a merchants site and viewing a product you wish to add to your registry you simply select our special link from your bookmarks or favorites and you will be guided through a three-step process that will help you add the product to your registry, our system will even automatically fill in some of the information for you. All of this will be done without leaving the merchant's site. Regardless of how you add your items once they are added you will be able to review, change, or delete any item on your list.
Is there a charge for this service?
Absolutely not! There is no charge for you or your relatives. There is also no advertising on this site and we do not sell or give away any of your personal information. This service is funded through agreements with the merchants you select items from.
How do I find a registry?
To find a registry simply enter the bride or groom's name (or a part thereof) into our search box. You will be presented with a list of the weddings in our database that match your criteria. To help you narrow your search further we provide a city for each couple. Once you have found the correct registry you will be prompted to enter the date for the ceremony as a security measure.
How do I purchase from a registry?
After finding the correct registry and entering the date you will be prompted with a list of items that the couple has selected. Accompaning each item from an online merchant will be a link to the product page, a link to the merchant's home page, and if available a link to a page featuring coupons for that merchant. Offline merchant listings will simply have product names and merchant names. Next to all listings will also be a form allowing you to indicate which products you have bought and the quantity purchases if applicable. You can also optionally provide your name in case you anticipate other wedding guests needing to contact you about your purchase.
Is there a charge for this service?
Absolutely not! There is no charge for purchasing the items linked to from this site. There is also no advertising on this site and we do not sell or give away any of your personal information. This service is funded through agreements with the merchants you purchase items from.